Antonio Scaccabarozzi at Gallerie d’Italia Milan
03.05, at 6.30 pm

Our curator Ilaria Bignotti will be among the speakers of the lecture dedicated to Antonio Scaccabarozzi and his artwork Iniezioni-Delimitazioni that just joined in the Intesa Sanpaolo collections, Gallerie d’Italia, Milan.

Thursday, May 3, at 6:30 pm
Gallerie d’Italia, Piazza della Scala, 6 – Milan

Michele Coppola – Head of Art, Culture and Historical Heritage Department of Intesa Sanpaolo 
Anastasia Rouchota – Founder and Head of Antonio Scaccabarozzi Archive
Ilaria Bignotti – Scientific Curator of Antonio Scaccabarozzi Archive,
in dialogue with 
Elisabetta Longari – Art Historian
Paolo Bolpagni – Art Historian

Press release