Mats Bergquist
Vintersaga, 2019, encaustic on wood, 37,5 x 60 cm – 37,5 x 30 x 5 cm – 37,5 x 37,5 cm
Iconostasi, 2016-17, encaustic on wood, variable dimensions
Vintersaga IV, 2018, encaustic on wood, 37 x 30 – 125 x 100 cm
La Suite di Brigida, 2018, encaustic on wood, 90 x 90 cm each
Tango, 2015, encaustic on wood, 45 x 30 cm each
Iconostasi, 2017, encaustic on wood, 25 pieces 17 x 13 cm each
Bethlehem, 2008, encaustic on wood, 3 pieces 120 x 90 each – 3 pieces 30 x 30 cm
Concav Convex, 2012, encaustic on wood, each 34 x 27 cm
Siah, 2014, egg tempera on acrylic and wood, 100 x 75 cm
Ayiasma 2, 2017-2018, egg tempera on acrylic and wood, 8 x 210 cm
Broken Monochrome, 2018, encaustic on wood, 37 x 30 cm
Daruma Raku, 2015, Raku ceramic, various sizes
Tango, 2015, encaustic on wood, 30 x 24 cm
Broken Monochrome, 2014, encaustic on wood, 62 x 50 cm
Concav Convex, 2014, encaustic on wood, each 34 x 27 cm
Tango, 2015, encaustic on wood, 25 x 20 each
Monaco, 2010, encaustic on wood, 15 x 45 x 5 cm
Monaco, 2013, encaustic on wood, 26 x 20 x 5 cm
I dreamed a dream- Chapter 1, (group show) Marignana Arte, Venice, Number 2019 -March 2020
Stanze (group show), Marignana Arte, Venice, February-April 2019
The darkness of the light, Marignana Arte Project Room, Venice, April- May 2018
W.W.W.- What Walls Want,(group show), Marignana Arte, Venice, May- September 2018
I dreamed a dream Chapter 1. Un sogno mai rivelato, Francesca Di Giorgio, Espoart, November 2019
I dreamed a dream at Marignana Arte, Art Viewer, March 2020
I dreamed a dream, Paolo Gambi, Grey Magazine,April 2020
Marignana Arte. Sei artisti per tre stanze,Lucia Longhi, Espoart, March 2019
Organi tempo e materia. Sei artisti a Venezia, Arianna Testino Artribune, March 2019
Dal Muro All’opera. Undici artisti a Venezia,Arianna Testino Artribune, May 2018
Aniconica ma sensoriale, l’arte di Mats Bergquist a Milano, Stefano Castelli, Artribune, December 2018
Forme in purezza. Mats Bergquist a Bologna, Nicollò Lucarelli, Artribune, March 2019
Gesti e icone: gli encausti di Mats Bergquist al MANN, Chiara Reale, Racna, October 2016
Mats Bergquist was born in Stockholm in 1960. Lives and works between Italy and Sweden.
Mats Bergquist è nato a Stoccolma nel 1960. Vive e lavora tra l’Italia e la Svezia.