Francesco Candeloro and Arthur Duff
Bienal de Curitiba

The Bienal de Curitiba 2017, the largest contemporary art event in Latin America, is opening on September, 30 2017, sponsored by the Brazilian Ministry of Culture (MINC), the State Government and the City Hall of Curitiba.

This twenty-fourth edition focuses on the “Antipodes”, on what is different, opposite, opposed, on “crossroads, plural encounters and synergies created by comparisons of distinct, distant points, against others”, has said curator Tício Escobar.

Check out the complete program here

Within this event, Massimo Scaringella curates a video selection entitled: VISÃO EXPANDIDA (EXPANDED VISION) where he has selected a diverse range of artists who use video as an expressive medium, including Francesco Candeloro and Arthur Duff, in special rooms of the MON – Oscar Niemeyer Museum and in the Memorial of Curitiba.

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