In ordinem redigere (l’arte di ricomporre memorie)

Maurizio Pellegrin, Verónica Vázquez
In ordinem redigere (the art of recomposing memories)
From May 25th to September 21st, 2024
Marignana Arte Gallery, Dorsoduro 141, 30123, Venice

From May 25th to September 21st 2024, Marignana Arte will host Maurizio Pellegrin and Verónica Vázquez‘s bipersonal exhibition entitled In ordinem redigere (the art of recomposing memories), an exhibition dedicated to the dialogue of works by two internationally renowned artists who have been collaborating with the gallery for years.
Profoundly different in terms of biography and aesthetic and expressive choices, Pellegrin and Vázquez share a focus on maintaining or highlighting the relationship with the past, with the history of the materials, artefacts and objects from which they draw to realise their works.

The exhibition is organised in collaboration with Piero Atchugarry Gallery and Galleria Michela Rizzo.

Il rapporto col passato di Pellegrin e Vázquez, Claudia Meschini, Il Gazzettino, July 2024   
L’agenda delle mostre da vedere questa settimana, Silvia Airoldi, Elle Decor, June 2024
Da Venezia a Modica: 10 mostre per un giugno d’arte, Nicola Maggi, Collezione da Tiffany, June 2024
De-costruire memorie: Pellegrin e Vázquez in mostra a Venezia, Giorgia Magrin, exibart, June 2024
Reinventare i materiali passati: Pellegrin e Vázquez alla Marignana Arte, Artuu, May 2024
Biennale e dintorni, cosa vedere a Venezia #2: tra Campo San Pietro e San Marco, Exibart, April 2024
Arte contemporanea: le mostre da vedere a maggio 2024!, Alice Traforti, The Art Post Blog, April 2024

In ordinem redigere (l’arte di ricomporre memorie), installation view

Maurizio Pellegrin, Alcuni, 2003, mixed media, 200×450 cm

Verónica Vázquez, De la serie memoria abandonadas, 2017, iron, nails and thread, 100×100 cm

Untitled, 2020, mixed media, 36×33 cm

Registro textil, 2016, industrial frame belts, 170×171 cm

Untitled, 2020, mixed media, 1200x100x3 cm