Serena Fineschi at “Habiter l’intime”
24.10 – 16.11.2019

Serena Fineschi is one of the artists partecipating in the group show Habiter l’intime, curated by Anne Pontegnie, at Fondation Thalie in Bruxelles.

OPENING Wednesday 23/10/2019 — 17:00 > 21:00

On view until November, 16

Brussels collectors agreed to release their works on paper to create  a cabinet de curiosités  including the works of more than 80 artists: Francis Alÿs, Joël Andrianomearisoa, Art & Language, Louise Bourgeois, Ulla von Brandenburg, Isabelle Cornaro, Hans Op de Beeck, Wim Delvoye, Mark Dion, Lionel Estève, Paul-Armand Gette, Mona Hatoum, Camille Henrot, Fabrice Hybert, Pierre Le-Tan, Karine Rougier, George Segal, Jim Shaw, Agnès Thurnauer, Franz West …

Press release