Silvia Infranco and Silvia Inselvini awarded at Arteam Cup 2019

The finissage of the 2019 edition of Arteam Cup took place in Villa Nobel in Sanremo:
The 2019 edition, curated by Livia Savorelli and Matteo Galbiati presented in the final exhibition a rose of 67 artists. On the occasion of the award ceremony, 32 types of prizes were awarded for a total of 34 award-winning artists.

Silvia Infranco was awarded with the Guidi&Schoen Arte Contemporanea Special Prize which consist in a solo show in the gallery in Genova during 2020.

Silvia Inselvini was awarded with Espoarte special prize which consist in a monographic presentation on the Espoarte magazine, to be published during 2020

Press release